29 July 2016

Earthlings, We regret that you are too late. You call this a “first contact mission” and I understand your excitement, I assure you. We have ancient records detailing the importance of such events. You have not, however, contacted a previously-unknown-to-you race of sentient beings. We hope you are not too disappointed. Get the rest ofthe…

22 July 2016

As he approached the airlock, he heard a voice, “I can help you” it said. A creature stepped into his path, it was a large chicken with steel feathers and a sword beak. It was menacing in appearance, but not threatening. “Your legs, your lungs, your heart,” the chicken said, “I can fix them for…

15 July 2016

“Is that right?” Will asked without turning from his work. They were at a critical stage in the reaction of the current formula. “Yes! Through you, I’ve found a new appreciation for Human science,” Haalax continued, “Perhaps you are good for more than just one thing, after all.” He laughed. Find the rest of the…

8 July 2016

With renewed vigor, the two continued their search. Morning light began to pour in through the high, cobweb-dimmed windows of the room. One of them sneezed, and dust which was once a roll of parchment scattered across the room in a rolling cloud. “Sorry,” one said to the other, “I hope that wasn’t the one…

17 June 2016

He retrieved his notebook, and some rubbing paper, and got to work. He assembled what he was able to parse of each panel, making inferences and comparing translations. As he had hoped, every panel carried the same instructions. When it was all together, they described the strokes of a symbol that Harald was not familiar…

3 June 2016

Something was coming together in his mind. Something that had been gnawing at him for a long time, but which was only just now coming into focus. He spoke slowly, waiting for the words to coalesce around the strange feeling. “It’s not about the game itself really. I mean: I will probably win my next…

20 May 2016

She knew that no adept, no matter how sensitive, could ever use their power without an MA Engine nearby, but she’d heard it was good to practice the techniques even when the engine was not around to make her will manifest, now that she knew how to ‘flex the muscles’, as it were, she could…

13 May 2016

A new story was posted to the Patreon feed. Here is an excerpt: Carlos stares from the viewport of the control room in Construction Station Zeta, and watches the husk of sooty dirt which is left of Earth rotate beneath him. Soon, he will get a message, and he will push a button. He’s sat…

29 April 2016

She took a bite of the stale biscuit from her plate. At least, she assumed it was her plate. She made a lot of assumptions. This tea and biscuit had been left here for her, surely. Who else would it be here for? She was the only person in all the islands as far as…