17 June 2016

He retrieved his notebook, and some rubbing paper, and got to work. He assembled what he was able to parse of each panel, making inferences and comparing translations. As he had hoped, every panel carried the same instructions. When it was all together, they described the strokes of a symbol that Harald was not familiar…

15 June 2016

Note: Projectile and beam weaponry is tightly controlled throughout the Sol System, and even highly trained agents like Lila only carry a firearm if investigating a case in which it is known that someone involved is carrying a firearm. Doctor Bezos is using a custom weapon, hastily crafted in his lab from a high-powered laser microscope and a…

8 June 2016

Note: Jansen plays Football for the Xanthe Dusters, a top rated team in the Martian Planetary League, which consists of a total of 24 teams – two from each major settlement. The colors he’s wearing on this day, however, are those of the Mars Rovers, a club in the Sol Football League, which competes in interplanetary matches, and which he aspires…

3 June 2016

Something was coming together in his mind. Something that had been gnawing at him for a long time, but which was only just now coming into focus. He spoke slowly, waiting for the words to coalesce around the strange feeling. “It’s not about the game itself really. I mean: I will probably win my next…

1 June 2016

Note: The Sol Council Special Group (SCSG) is an organization of investigators and special operations soldiers who answer directly to the Sol Council. While technically not part of the military (they originally grew out of the police organization in the Sol capitol city of Luna Prime, and were intended to serve as a sort of cross-borders…

25 May 2016

Note: The Quantum Beam Transmitter is a communications technology first theorised by Doctor Cosmo Firenczi in 2098. The Lunar research labs were experiencing significant inconveniences due to a communications lag with researchers Earthside. The QBT, if it worked, would allow faster-than-light data transmission, but it had significant drawbacks. The technology was far too expensive, the…

20 May 2016

She knew that no adept, no matter how sensitive, could ever use their power without an MA Engine nearby, but she’d heard it was good to practice the techniques even when the engine was not around to make her will manifest, now that she knew how to ‘flex the muscles’, as it were, she could…

18 May 2016

About a month ago, I announced that, thanks to my Patreon patrons, Manawaker would be getting a new, weekly feature. I wasn’t sure what it was going to be at the time, but now I’m ready to present Manawaker Studio Recycled Comics. I’m taking old comics, comics which have lived their long lives, and been…

17 May 2016

One of my stories, “Jack be Quick” has been published on the online LGTB+ Sci-fi magazine, Indestructable. Read it here.