15 November 2016

The first piece of fiction I ever sold for real money was “Last Girl”, which appeared in the 2010 publication 2013: The Aftermath which was a collection of stories about apocalypse survivors (remember when we thought (joked?) that the world would end in 2012?). The story was first reprinted as a chapbook in 2013, then…

28 October 2016

The executive went wide-eyed for a moment and looked around as if making sure no one had heard. “Of course not Mr. Rixx, by law you have every right to resign your position.” Rixx felt himself untense. “I will go now, then.” he said and started to rise. “Wait just a moment,” the VP waved…

14 October 2016

Last year, the Ocean was animated by the accidental destruction of the Mind Crucible, and intercontinental trade was brought to a standstill, and most oceanfront property in the world was crushed under the angry hand of the waves incarnated. Remember that? The repairs to the artifact were made using a plaster which was applied using…

9 September 2016

Errol Rosario Tucker was the highest quality male which Earth had produced on the 9th of September 2234. This was objective fact. Of all males born on September 9th of that particular year, Errol Rosario Tucker was the most exemplary combination of strength, intelligence, and virility. He knew this because it had been decided by…

31 August 2016

It’s okay. They are over here now: http://recycledcomics.manawaker.com/ If you’re used to getting your RC fix from RSS, you’ll have to subscribe to the RSS on the new site to continue to receive the new(old) strips. The site’s visual design is still a WiP, but this change should make the stories significantly easier to navigate.

24 August 2016

Note: While it seems Jansen was waxing philosophical here, he was really just reiterating lessons he learned as a child. Solar Society at this time was dominated by the philosophy of The Universal Commons, basically an upholding of the ideals of Accountable Socialism in nearly all aspects of life. Children were taught early that no one owned…

17 August 2016

Note: Though only the most wealthy could afford interplanetary trips, cruising remained a popular vacation choice even deep into the quantum age. On Mars, these cruise liners were slow, high-capacity dirigibles. Popular ports-of-call included Historical Mars City, College Station, Nouveau Paris, Cattown, and North Polar Cap Systemic Parklands (“NoCap Park” to the locals).

12 August 2016

“You’re an old one,” he whispered with a small smile, “probably got some interesting stuff in there.” He lined up his flenser on the glass of the pod, and squeezed the actuator. The device made a soft purring sound, as it carved its tiny hole through the glass. “Maybe you’re holding on to the secret…

10 August 2016

Note: Part of the Science Minister’s odd non-official power on Mars was that the position was given full administrative access to all research projects on the planet. Ostensibly, this was a sign of respect and trust in the office, and was often cited as a very good reason to be very careful about who was…